In honor of Red Ribbon Week, Sergeant McFalls came to talk to Mrs. Miller's class about making healthy choices and living a drug-free lifestyle.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Officer Mcfalls presents to 4th grade
Fourth graders had a fun spooky day at school. The fourth graders were finding factors and multiples!
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Spookey Math
Spooky Math
Spooky Math
Thank you to "Anonymous Grandma" for sponsoring this months Popcorn Friday! If you would like to sponsor a month for the 2024-2025 school year, please email .
7 months ago, Teri Detering
Thank you to Popcorn Sponsor
Career Day at Kouts Elementary. A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who helped make it a great day.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Physical Therapy
Nipsco Electrician
Police Officer
Fire Chief
Kouts Costume Fun!
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Mrs. Dunham's Class
3rd Grade Barbie Team
Mrs. Forester
Special Euducation Team
kindergarten team school supplies
Miss. Swanson's Class
Mrs. Reve and mrs. hagenow
Mrs. Dorshorst's class
We need more substitute teachers! Please apply at:
7 months ago, Teri Detering
Starting Monday, Oct. 30, 2023
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
red Ribbon Week flyer
2nd Grade had a great time learning about drones.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Enjoy your long weekend!
7 months ago, Teri Detering
fall break graphic
We are looking for a full time custodian, which is a 40-hour week with full benefits. We are also looking for part time custodians, too.
7 months ago, Teri Detering
Custodian Job Opening Graphic
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Title 1 flyer
Parent Teacher Conferences are Scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Early Release Dates
Mrs. Benson visited first grade last week and the explored seeds.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
seed exploration
seed presentation
seed walk
seed exploration
Mrs. Socausky’s class using eggs to learn about the Earth’s structure, crust, mantle, and core!
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
Egg Earth Crust Exploration
STEAM Club Students experimented with Alka-Seltzer tablets to see if the amount of water placed in the “rocket” with the tablet would make a difference in how high the “rockets” would shoot into the air. Students were surprised to find out that a small amount of water made the rockets shoot higher.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Steam club rockets
Steam club rockets
Steam club rockets
Steam club rockets
Steam club rockets
Steam club rockets
Steam club rockets
Congratulations to all the Bee Ticket winners for this week! Keep working hard!
7 months ago, Teri Detering
student with prize
student with principal
group of students
Recess Fun
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Soccer game
map fun
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
Panera Fundraiser
Updated School Board Meeting Schedule
7 months ago, Sara Carter
Updated School Board Meeting Schedule
Mrs. Dunham's kindergarten had fun with letter p and tools while exploring pumpkins, pompoms, pinching and painting.
7 months ago, Stephanie Dunham
pumpkin exploring
family trees
pinching pompoms
exploring pumpkins